The NAGAX Exchange is a premier trading platform that enables users to buy, sell and trade hundreds of cryptocurrencies easily on a lightning-fast engine.
Continue reading to discover what exactly is the Exchange, and what is available within to elevate your experience even further.
What can I do in the NAGAX Exchange?
The NAGAX Exchange is your portal to a world of digital trading in cryptocurrencies. Users can enter the Exchange and view assets in a minute, hourly, daily, and weekly chart. The Exchange also enables investors to carry out transactions and get in on the action of trading.
🟢 Buy & Sell Cryptocurrency
The NAGAX Echange portal is your go-to place to buy, sell and trade 700+ cryptocurrency coins and tokens.
🟢 Analyze Assets & View Charts
With countless of dynamic options to analyze your crypto pairs, the charts feature benefits like various indicators, drawing, pre-set pattern outlines, and more. Users can easily see the asset’s last price, 24-hour change percent, 24-hour high, 24-hour low, and 24-hour volume; giving you the information you need to make the best-calculated decisions.
🟢 Trade History
The bottom section of the NAGAX Exchange is where you can view your digital assets Trade History. Learn if your investment has made gains, or slipped to make the best calls giving your strategy an edge.
🟢 View your Portfolio
In addition to Trade History, the bottom section of the NAGAX Exchange features your Portfolio. View your unique Portfolio in one easy and condensed location for quick access and ease.
🟢 Open Orders
Lastly, in the bottom section users can view Open Orders. Traders and investors alike could take advantage of limit-buy, stop-loss, and other various purchasing and selling options for optimal closes. Within the NAGAX Exchange at the bottom is where you can view anything open in orders. Traders can also input these special order types as well through this portal.
How do I get to the NAGAX Exchange?
To view the NAGAX Exchange simply log in to your NAGAX account and select NAGA Exchange on the menu to the left:
From here, we welcome you to the NAGA Exchange! You can buy, sell, and explore hundreds of cryptos.